Product Details:
RAL - 3 Day Fast Track Training
Residential Assisted Living 3 Day Fast Track Training
(Home Study Course Included)
Get on the Fast Track to Residential Assisted Living Success
Your chance to learn the step-by-step system, live and in-person including a virtual tour of existing homes. This is the absolute best and fastest way to learn the system for yourself and be ready to take action the moment you leave.
What you can do after attending:
- Find, fill, and fund your RAL home
- Maximize NET positive cash flow without risking your shirt
- Implement a fool-proof system for evaluating the right property
- Start an RAL business from scratch or buy an existing residence
- Hire the right staff to operate your home
- Become an "off-site" business manager
- Fill your property fast with low-risk residents
- Find the deal without using your own money
- Attract investors and raise capital
- Create a winning RAL business plan
- Develop systems, operations, and procedure manuals
- Analyze the financials of actual projects
Fast Track Day 1
This is a full day of in-classroom training. You’ll learn exactly what residential assisted living is, how to start one from scratch, and how to buy an existing residence. You’ll learn exactly how to find them, fund them and fill them. You will also learn how to operate the home without needing to be on-site. You will get the proven marketing secrets to fill your home and how to find the right staff to operate it.
Fast Track Day 2
This is where the action starts. We cover case studies of actual assisted living homes owned and operated by actual RALA students! You will meet the operators as they take us through virtual tours of the homes. Day 2 is the highlight for most students where they truly understand the concept of doing good and doing well.
Fast Track Day 3
This is the day where we put it all together. We analyze the financials of actual projects as well as examining site selection and reviewing architectural design and planning. You will learn how to fund the deal with or without your own money, how to attract investors and how to raise capital. We provide you a systematized proven method to succeed in the residential assisted living business.
Order Now: $3,997.00